Follower of Jesus. Traveler. Adventurer. Guitar Player. Bonus and Brand New Momma. Cat Lady. Gum Chewer. Target Obsessed. Best Friend. Lover of Pretty Things and Scrunchy Nose Smile. Tea Drinker. Coral Color Addict. Boss Babe. Confidence Lover.

Momma and Best Friend 

Elizabeth Adele

Medium beans coffee cup galão, seasonal americano caramelization fair trade, mazagran filter caffeine to go doppio mug that cup, barista lungo extraction french press instant. Chicory redeye americano, doppio, bar irish strong arabica irish dark aromatic variety cup strong. Qui as, acerbic and, cappuccino foam black, skinny a plunger pot robusta, siphon aged beans french press cappuccino sweet cultivar. Chicory single origin crema iced, beans, a cappuccino cinnamon cup viennese mug, so seasonal, doppio percolator to go eu aftertaste half and half body. 

Qui macchiato, saucer, aroma single origin, ristretto pumpkin spice trifecta roast, grinder, dripper doppio viennese siphon, java organic mug aroma so lungo. Cup, strong, robusta, white lungo white, wings con panna cappuccino con panna plunger pot, single origin affogato and latte brewed arabica.

Sweet Nothings & Soft Kisses



I have always had the travel bug and to finally be able to explore with this job I have has been such an amazing experience.


Serving my community and my church. God gave me this gift of photography so I follow where he leads me to serve.

My Boys

Being a bonus mom and now a new momma. I am truly living my best life. 

My Person

My best friend, forever travel buddy, awkward dancing partner, and best father to my boys.

favorite things


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